U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce Endorses Joe Biden
Joe Biden is the Right Leader for a Bright American Future
Please view our press release regarding the USWCC endorsement of Joe Biden for President.
This article by Alexandra Petri at The Washington Post about
Mike Huckabee's rant on women’s
uncontrolled libido and Uncle Sugar is right on target. If anyone seeks
evidence that a good hunk of the political stratosphere is totally tone deaf to
women -- just take a listen to Huckabee's rant and Ms. Petri's dissection.
Mr. Huckabee is all focused on the Demo...
For many years, women in the U.S. Senate have met regularly and worked to create and maintain a level of communication and trust to foster positive working relationships -- even across the aisle.
Now, we see women Senators stepping up to specifically help other women get elected to Congress. We are seeing a groundswell of support for significantly elevating the participation of women in e...
Read this is an interesting article on women and politics in Utah.
Utah currently ranks 46th in the nation for representation of women in elected office.
"Real Women Run" is a non-partisan Utah group working to improve women's direct influence through holding office.
Keep up the good work!
January 17th
This remarkable exchange between Former Governor Jennifer Granholm (D) and political strategist Mary Matalin (R) lays clear the importance for women's political leadership.
Ms. Matalin claims women don't need to be elected; they simply need to be in the room. While Ms. Granholm makes the case that women need to be directly influencing as the elected individual castin...
Read this interesting article by Martha Burke which details a strategy the parties may be employing to pit women candidates against male party leaders. This action recognizes the fact -- women's vote is the x-factor in many elections to come.
As women gain leadership footing and come together to focus our votes behind women that support our needs and values -- the "gender gap" will pay of...