U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce Endorses Joe Biden
Joe Biden is the Right Leader for a Bright American Future
Please view our press release regarding the USWCC endorsement of Joe Biden for President.
The February 9, 2014 meeting of DC Women in Politics drew nearly 120 people to participate in a debate with female candidates running for Mayor and At-Large seats.
The candidates discussed gender wage inequality, economic parity, affordable childcare for working mothers, and housing – not the typical, core topics for most (non-women-focused) political gatherings. This is why it is...
Several top media are covering EMILY's List move to quickly endorse Los Angeles Controller Wendy Greuel for the U. S. House of Representatives seat from California District 33.
Below is EMILY's List press release on the endorsement. District 33 has been a safe Democratic district as Rep. Henry Waxman has served in this seat since 1975. With a strong woman candidate, this could be a...
Introducing I Vote for Women!
The U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the launch of I Vote for Women (IVoteForWomen.com). Through this movement, the Women's Chamber focuses our tremendous voting and financial clout to support and elect women to office. As we come together, we will break through the status quo, dramatically raise our influ...
The Washington Post details the importance of Jennifer Wexton's victory as her victory delivers control of the Virginia Senate to her party (Democrats).
The Washington Post reports, "The election followed a short but highly charged race between the three contenders. Wexton focused on motivating the Democratic base, particularly women. . . "
The Post continues, "Wexton was helped by her major...
Politico Reports: Republicans tout -- RightNOW Women PAC is Democrats worst nightmare.
This interesting article with insights into the Republican Party interest in young women voters comments, "Rather than focusing their efforts on fundraising, (Marlene) Colucci and energetic young partner Brittany Thune, daughter of the senator, are after a “low-fund, high-involvement” moveme...
From the New York Times, Editorial Board -- A Formula for Repelling Women Voters
The National Journal reports that GOP operatives have accused the Republican Party of pushing female staffers away from the leadership paths offered to men.
The focus of this article is on the role of campaign managers. National Journal reports of the key 2013 Senate races, only two out of the 33 GOP campaigns had female campaign managers. And, in the most competitive races -- Republicans...
Instead of talking to candidates about understanding women, Republican leaders are being taught how to talk about us.
This article provides information on two-day sessions currently being facilitated for candidates and elected officials.
We have recommendations for the architects of these sessions:
(1) Instead of telling candidates to simply not refer to "legitimate rape," why not educate...
As the 2014 elections approach with all eyes on women voters, Emily's List is taking action and making news. Below are just a few of the recent activities:
Politico: Emily's List, Burton head to Nevada. Emily's List holds third "Madam President" town hall in Nevada.
Politico: Emily's List to highly women lawmakers' policy gains. EMILY’s List is launchin...